Joseph Reichlin (1871–1926) [1]

Mythen, 1899 m (Switzerland) 1:5,000, 37 x 62 cm, Joseph Reichlin,
Swiss Alpine Museum
Born in Arth in the canton of Schwyz as a farmer’s son, Joseph Reichlin learned the art of terrain modelling in the Collège of St-Bernard in Troyes (France). During eight years, he helped Simon Simon (1857–1925) finish the model of the Bernese Oberland. After this, he created several models in different scales. For example the small model of the Jungfrau group in 1:50,000. He was among the first relief artists to create models of single mountains in large scale, for example the Aiguille Verte in a scale of 1:5,000.
[1] Imhof, Eduard. Bildhauer der Berge. 1981. S.132. and Gygax, Fritz. Das topographische Relief in der Schweiz. 1937. S.60-62.